

Halloween this year was a lot of fun! I dressed up in two different costumes because last year was kind of a drag!

The first costume was for our ward's Halloween Carnival! Dallan didn't participate with this one but he was a trooper with handling my dorky-ness. This costume was a lot of fun. My dad has some teeth he hadn't opened yet that he let me used and I'm glad he did because it made the whole costume!!

I laugh every time I look at this picture! 

My sister was a cowgirl =) 

My cousin JaCoy was an old lady! She even had a walker!!! HILARIOUS!

I'm glad Dallan loves me and my dorky self!

My second costume I wore for Trunk-or-Treat! I'm a huge fan of "The Vampire Diaries" and my favorite characters are Katherine and Damon! So Dallan and I went as them and my little sister went as Katherine's doppelganger Elena since we look a lot alike (I know... TV addict/nerd alert). Our teeth didn't quite stay in but the make-up was awesome!

My dad has A LOT of fun with his funky teeth!

I was a little into the Vampire thing...

Katherine and Elena take one... ahhaha

Take two! Much better!

I'm so glad Dallan is a trooper when it comes to my holiday spirit! Love that man!

My mom was a Witch!! She looked AWESOME!

One of my youngest cousins was Sully! He looked so cute

Sully and his twin puppy sisters! I love them to death!

Now it's time to eat some candy and watch Hocus Pocus!!!



  1. You are too cute! I'm glad that you dressed up and totally committed!
    And that Sully costume is adorable! :)
    xo TJ


    1. Oh thank you! The hardest part about dressing up is committing for sure! But who cares what others think right?? xoxo!
