
Month of Thanks Day 7, 8, & 9!

Day 7: I'm thankful for country music! And when I say country music, I mean REAL country music.. Like George Strait and Alan Jackson kind of stuff. I like southern rock too. I'm NOT a fan of "pop country" *cough* Taylor Swift.... BLEH! Anyways... Country music has a lot of conservative views and has a simplicity kind of lifestyle which is what I love! Did anyone watch the CMA's this week?? Weren't Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood HILARIOUS hosting!? I love them! If you haven't had a chance to watch this glorious video, watch it!!! It was making me bust out laughing the whole time!

Day 8: I'm thankful for crafts!! I love crafting! Even if I don't have that much time or money to do them, I love it! It helps my creativity flow and my mind needs it! Seriously they make me so happy! I'm thankful I got my Mom's crafty genes! I specifically love wedding crafts. My best friend is getting married and you can bet I've been all in for helping with DIY wedding decor and bouquets! I think my calling in life is to be a wedding planner/decorator! Check it out:

Iced Branches (The glue is still drying, it dries clear!)


Ribbon Roses! SO fun and very pretty!

Day 9: I'm thankful for my Mom! She is such a hard working person. She taught me how to set goals and to never bail on anything you commit to. She also taught me to craft like mentioned above! We both have the same style (for the most part) so decorating things isn't to much of a headache with her =) Love you mom!


  1. missy! taylor swift is the best evvvver! hahaha guess we can still be friends even though you don't like her. ;)
    but really though how pretty did carrie look that night? STUNNING!

    1. Awh! Don't worry, I still like ya even if you like T.Swift! Haha to clarify: I like her old stuff, just not her new sound :) and YES Carrie is amazing! I'm dying to have legs like that! Hahah
