Camping. One of my favorite childhood memories. Going to our cabin in Talkeetna has always been one of my favorite things to do. Going on a 2ish hour road trip and taking the four wheelers out for a 7 mile ride into the cabin has always been a highlight of my summer ever since I could remember! The cabin is just so relaxing and gives me a mental break from the world. My phone gets turned off and it's my escape from everything for a few days. Stories around the campfire, the infamous cabin tree swing, fishing, shooting, fireworks and all the s'mores you can imagine is just some of the things that go on at the cabin! The natural beauty of the mountains, river, creeks, animals (moose, bear, squirrel, birds, etc), the trees and just the smell is indescribable! I caught my limit of fish (3 hooked in the mouth) every time we went up this summer! We got a pretty good haul this year. I just hope next year will be just as good. The only downfall about the cabin is that I get sort of sleep deprived... I always call it a "cabin hangover" because when we get back from the cabin it takes me about a day to recover my sleep and to get my energy back. I wouldn't trade the cabin and all the memories that come with it for the world! It makes being home just that much better =)

Dallan fishing away
Dad and one of the many fish he caught.
Fish further up from the mouth of the river getting ready to spawn
Some of our haul of fish.This is the only good picture of us even though
Dallan's eyes are closed =(
Killing Zombies!
Cabin 2013 from Jordan Petersen on Vimeo.