

Yesterday I started a 100 happy days challenge to help me be grateful EVERYDAY for something even if I am having a bad day.

I quit eating candy a month ago and have been exercising and drinking a lot of water and it has made all the difference in the world so far! I have so much energy and have been overall happy!

I plan on keeping up with it and you guys, even fast food has been sounding more disgusting every single day! THAT IS HUGE FOR ME!!!! Yay for healthy habits!!!

Life has been pretty hard lately, and this 100 happy days challenge is just the thing I need to help me continue my healthy living.

At the 50 day mark, I will give an update on how I'm doing with this 100 happy days challenge. I will be posting my pictures via instagram! So follow me here if you want to join along or to just see the things that make me happy =)

 Here is the link to participate, although, you don't really think you need to "sign up" in order to participate! I did just to make it "official" in my mind. =)


Cheers to a happier me! 


  1. Isn't it funny how once you cut out bad food it all of a sudden doesn't sound good anymore? Let me give you a heads up to, when you do have it again you may get sick...No fun. It just shows how bad it really is for you!

    Just A Girl

    1. Thanks for the heads up!! I'll be wary when eating fast food again!! xoxo!
