
2 Years!!

So I didn't blog at all the month of May.... I don't really have a reason why, I have two blog posts in my drafts, but was too lazy to edit and continue writing. Oh well, in due time!

Now onto better things...


What the heck?! How did that happen? I feel like I've been married exactly 2 years but at the same time I feel like I've been with Dallan for a lot longer than that. In a good way of course!  I can't imagine my life with any other person.
Although this hasn't been the best year of marriage for us... I can't wait to start our 3rd year! Marriage is hard you guys, it's no joke! But I wouldn't trade it for anything! I can't imagine not being married to Dallan.

We have so much to look forward too! Moving literally across the country, having our own place again, exploring the country and visiting different states together. I just can't wait!

Happy 2 year anniversary D! I LOVE YOU!!!
To recap our wedding and a TINY bit more about us, click the "our story" tab at the top =)

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