Last weekend we headed to West Virginia! We have a goal to go to all 50 states, so even a day trip is fine with us!
A friend suggested to us to make a visit to Harper's Ferry. It's a small town (population 250), with civil war history. Don't ask me about the history part... I was just so enthralled with how cute it was!!
We parked on the side of the road and walked to the middle of the bridge just for this picture. On the left is Virginia, on the right is Maryland, and in the center where you can see that church, is West Virginia! HOW FREAKING COOL! I'll never get over how close states are to each other here! In Alaska you can drive 16 hours and still be in the same state!

Lots of little bridges. Apparently when they have bad snow years and lots of rain the city used to flood because the river would get so high.
The one main road in Harper's Ferry
I'm glad D is so patient with me and our little photoshoots =)
Each building had a little boutique shop, it was fun to see and talk to some of the locals!
They even had a wax museum! We didn't go in but this is in the window as you walk by. We couldn't stop laughing.
Love these grand churches! I wish our church made our regular church buildings to look like this.
Standing inside the ruins of the original church. You're not supposed to be in there, but we are rebels! lol
Next stop was Charles Town. Only a 10ish minute drive from Harper's Ferry. We walked around to kill time before going to the casino to bet and watch horse races! We browsed antique shops, bought some girl scout cookies, walked around Walmart and spotted Amish people!! It's times like these that I love. No plan, just doing whatever you feel like!
As we were walking by this court house, a local was on the phone talking loud and said, "I haven't seen her in awhile! Is she in jail again?.... What did she do this time?!" It was all I could do to not laugh!! D and I just looked at eachother like, "uhhhh awkward"
You know you don't gamble much and haven't been to a horse race when you feel SO STUPID asking the cashier lady to help us! Seriously though, we felt so dumb..
Our BIG 5 dollar bet on That's BSide The Point (who comes up with names like that?). One horse was called "Kick Ash"! HAHA!
The one and only "Thats BSide The Point" (blurry... they move to dang fast for my iphone!)
Waiting for the race to start!! The track was SO sloppy and muddy. I couldn't believe how muddy the jockey's got. We only stayed for 2 races then headed home. A good WV trip in my books =)
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