Our sweet Hershey passed away almost two weeks ago. It was quite the shock. We didn't see it coming. She got an infection that spread like wildfire and within two days we had to make a decision. We will miss this pup forever. I could talk about Hershey all day, but here is a little glimpse who Hershey was.
I remember when my parents were looking into buying another dog to keep Bri company. I remember first seeing Hershey in huge batch of puppies. We got to take Hershey home at 6 weeks instead of 8 weeks because she was the runt and she was getting picked on by the other pups and her dad. She was definitely spoiled and cuddled a lot as a puppy (but that didn't change as she got old too),
Also, don't you love these super blurry, digital camera photos of Hershey. haha! My siblings and I knew how to work a camera obviously..
We introduced Hershey to Bri slowly. But once they were comfortable, Hershey couldn't get enough of Bri.. as you can see below. HAHAH! Seriously though, Hershey had to be near Bri all. the. time.
Hershey loved her naps and snuggling. She didn't care if she was in your bubble. She was going to get her cuddles whether you liked it or not. But 98% of the time, we didn't mind. She would give you the softest sweetest kisses too.

This was Hershey's face almost every time she would see you. She was always so happy and full of energy!
She started sitting up on her hind legs the last couple of years. It was the weirdest but cutest thing ever!
In the mornings she would come out with straw all over her face.

I loved the coloring of her fur. Her mom was a yellow lab and her dad was a chocolate lab. Hershey got a mix of both obviously. She always got the funnest tan lines in the summer.
Hershey LOVED to chase birds. I can't find the picture right now, but in it she is staring up at the tree watching a Magpie. She would stalk birds and try to kill them.... A neighbor has chickens and when we would walk by she would drag us up to the fence just to watch them. It was hilarious!!
Hershey loved to play! Whenever she got super excited or anxious she would start jumping. We always joked she was part Kangaroo.
She learned to enjoy baths. Mostly because she got lots of massages and rub downs. She was the funniest after the bath. She would SPRINT around for like 10 minutes and chase Bri all over the yard. Funniest thing ever!!! She would go crazy.
Hershey loved watching TV. She really liked watching the Walking Dead with me one time. Mostly because in one episode there was a goat and it would make noises so Hershey would watch intently. Anything with other animals and dogs she liked.

Hershey LOVED when you scratched her back legs. Then she would just stare at you like this when you would scratch her.
Hershey LOVED to eat. She was such a pig. She would hide her food and cover it with dirt, tennis balls, anything she could find. She also loved Raspberries. She would "help" pick raspberries every fall. Just kidding, she would just eat them off the bushes. Not much of a helper.
Oh and don't you dare try to take the bone away from her. She would growl at you... she never bit anyone though. Don't worry.
Hershey loved her walks with Bri. If they don't get walks often, Bri would try to find a way out and Hershey would just follow along. Because if you would take Bri and Hershey on separate walks, there would be Hell to pay. Hershey would whine and whine and cry when Bri would be on a walk and Hershey wasn't. She didn't like to be alone.
We were trying to figure out the stealth cam for hunting and there no better way to test it out then to have it pointed towards you dogs. =P Howling is Hershey's favorite past time. Every time a siren would go off from a police car or ambulance, she would start to howl. She would howl if she was bored, or knew we were home and didn't want to pet her 24/7. hahah! She was needy but I liked it. I miss her neediness.
I have lots of favorite photos of Hershey, but this one is my favorite for sure. I'm going to miss this pup forever. Her soft fur and velvet ears and nose. Her soft kisses and love of snuggles. I would crave Hershey snugs all the time when I was away at school, and now it's 1000X more prevalent. I'll see you on the other side Hershey girl. Watch over my babies for me. =)
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