Day 14- I'm thankful for my little sister! We literally know what each other is thinking and feeling! We may drive each other nuts almost everyday, but I love that girl!
Throwback to almost 4 years ago! Sugar Plum Fairy and Clara =)
Day 15- I'm thankful for priesthood blessings. I got an earful of water (no really... an earful!) in my ear today.. My right ear is always the victim of this ever since our family trip to Florida where I basically lived underwater the whole 2 weeks because it was so fetching hot! Well I hate that feeling, and anyone who loves not being able to hear out of one ear is a crazy person! I asked Dallan to give me a blessing that it would go away (because last time it lasted like 2 weeks!! YUCK), and I swear within an hour, ONE HOUR, the water was almost gone!!!! I'm so grateful to be able to get a blessing from him whenever I want! =)
Day 16- I'm thankful for just living! Today I am just loving my life! I have been so fortunate to have the opportunities to travel and be adventurous! I have the best family and friends.
Day 17- I'm thankful for children. No matter who the child, they always bring a smile to my face! I can seriously see myself with like 6 kids (maybe..) haha
Day 18- I'm thankful for nature. God's creations are WONDERFUL! I can't get enough of nature! It's so pretty and tranquil. I love being in a place to think and explore. What better place to do that then in nature!
Day 19- I'm thankful for food. Most days I wake up a big grouch. Dallan calls me "Oscar" in the mornings (Oscar the Grouch) because a lot of the time I am hungry which causes me to be grouchy... sorry D! =) But once I get some food in my tummy, I'm happy as a clam!!
Day 20- I'm thankful for air transportation! Isn't it amazing how airplanes fly and how we can get from one place to another in like 6 hours! The flight from Honolulu to Anchorage was originally a 5.5 hour flight, well with the strong tail winds it was an HOUR early! Did it really only take 4.5 hours to get from Alaska to Hawaii?? WHAT?! It's crazy to think about and I am for sure thankful for it.. (but not thankful for the prices sometimes...)
Day 21- I'm thankful for coupons! Although I'm not an extreme coupon person, I always try and look for a good deal.. I mean who doesn't like to save some extra cash? Dallan and I ordered a present for a family member literally 30 minutes ago, and what was going to be a 71 dollar purchase ended up only around 45 dollars! YAY FOR SAVINGS!
I took this during one of our many hikes this past summer!
Day 19- I'm thankful for food. Most days I wake up a big grouch. Dallan calls me "Oscar" in the mornings (Oscar the Grouch) because a lot of the time I am hungry which causes me to be grouchy... sorry D! =) But once I get some food in my tummy, I'm happy as a clam!!
Day 20- I'm thankful for air transportation! Isn't it amazing how airplanes fly and how we can get from one place to another in like 6 hours! The flight from Honolulu to Anchorage was originally a 5.5 hour flight, well with the strong tail winds it was an HOUR early! Did it really only take 4.5 hours to get from Alaska to Hawaii?? WHAT?! It's crazy to think about and I am for sure thankful for it.. (but not thankful for the prices sometimes...)
Day 21- I'm thankful for coupons! Although I'm not an extreme coupon person, I always try and look for a good deal.. I mean who doesn't like to save some extra cash? Dallan and I ordered a present for a family member literally 30 minutes ago, and what was going to be a 71 dollar purchase ended up only around 45 dollars! YAY FOR SAVINGS!
I love these Willy Wonka Pinterest finds! They crack me up =)

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