I was going to edit a video together of our trip, but right now I'm just not feeling it... I'll probably get it done later, but for now here are some highlights of our month in Vegas!
Our second Christmas together! And I love the Bellagio during Christmas time! Yes, that tree is REAL! It is massive! If you haven't gone to Vegas for Christmas or at least around Christmas time, I would recommend going to see the Bellagio! It's amazing.

Dallan and I both have brothers serving missions for our church. My brother is in London and his brother is in Maryland! We got to skype them for Christmas and it was by far the best gift I got. =) They both get to come home this year and we are so excited!
I tried to get over my fear of birds... despite my face, I was having a heart attack inside..
I love Zupas! It was my "go to" place to eat when I lived in Utah and I got so excited to hear they had one in Vegas, so of course I had to eat there! YUMMY!

This is one of Dallan's two doggies. Beau just passed away a couple days ago. =( We were happy to be able to spend a month this this little guy!
I got to visit my Great Grandma and Great Aunt's graves. I never met them, but Dallan has taught me to appreciate my ancestry. =)
And speaking of Ancestry, we went to the Mormon Fort in downtown Vegas where one of his ancestors, and two of mine helped settle there! Pretty cool!
I love this picture of Dallan!
We got to FINALLY meet our first nephew! He's so precious! Definitely didn't help the baby hunger..

I mean c'mon... mom status right there =P JK! We are still waiting!
Last but not least I got to go SLEDDING on Mt. Charleston! YAY! It was a different experience sledding in 45 degree weather, without gloves or hats needed (for me at least), but it was really fun!
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