
January 2014 According To My Iphone

After a SUPER boring super bowl game yesterday, today I'm finishing organizing my pictures from my iPhone. It's funny what pictures you forgot that you took! It's been fun going back to see them again.

Dallan and baby G after his baby blessing at church!

January brought BEAUTIFUL sunsets here in Alaska

I hate buffets, I never eat enough for what you pay. But my dad and I got my weights worth of cotton candy! That stuff is delicious!

Hershey enjoying her back scratch

Got to FINALLY wear my new leggings! They came in the mail the day after I left for Vegas, sad day! But now I can wear them all I want. =)

I love Alaska so much!

Just an Eagle chillin' on our tree in our backyard! 

My home town movie theater got town down this month. =( So many memories there!

Bri giving my her "sad eyes"

Hershey bird watching. She will literally chase them out of trees. We should have trained her to hunt with us!

My lovely sister took my phone and took a butt load of selfies. I got my revenge... but she actually wasn't that embarrassed... FAIL!

January in Alaska is usually the coldest time of the year. But not this time! It was in the 40's almost all month and started melting all the snow. The tree in our yard started to bloom but it is back to normal in the teens and 20's! I hope it'll snow soon so I can go sledding!

Ugh, Bri was naughty and got out of the yard with Hershey in tow. They were gone for probably 3 or more hours. They didn't have a collars on but luckily they're chipped. Talk about a heart attack... Dallan and I drove around the neighborhood for awhile but it was way to dark to even see. So we headed back home and decided to just walk to see if we would see them. Sure enough, we see them walking towards the house like they were done on their "joyrun". Damn dogs. Bri knew she was in deep shiz... this is her "I'm sorry please love me face"

Our dogs are outside dogs and sleep in the stairwell that we put straw down in there for them to keep warm. Hershey loves to bury her face in it and every morning comes out with stray on her face! Too funny. 

We worked on an interior down by the ocean and had some amazing sunsets! 


  1. Those leggings are so cute! Where did you get them from?

    1. I got them at BB Styled Boutique! http://bbstyled.com/ They had a Free Legging sale, only had to pay for shipping. So they were like 10 bucks. I love them! They're so soft =)

    2. Actually they are still doing the free leggings deal!!!
